Client list
Who are our clients ?
The WRC has worked for a wide range of Irish and International clients since its inception in 1988. Clients come from all sectors - Government agencies, private industry and trade unions. Recent clients include:
- Aer Lingus
- Aer Rianta
- Age Friendly Ireland
- Carers Association
- Caring for Carers
- Care Alliance
- Cluid Housing
- Department of Health
- Dublin County Council
- Emergency Response
- Equality Authority
- Health Service Executive (HSE)
- HAIL Housing
- Health Research Board
- Health and Safety Authoritry
- Impact
- Irish Rail
- Joint Managerial Board
- National Council on Ageing and Older People
- National Disability Authority (NDA)
- National Learning Network
- National College of Ireland
- Teachers Union of Ireland
- University College Dublin
- Danish Work Environment Service
- Economist Intelligence Unit (UK)
- European Commission, DGs Employment, Health, Research
- European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
- Institute for Prospective Technological Studies
- German sickness insurance funds (BKK)
- Northern Ireland Ministry of Health
- TNO Work and Health (Netherlands)
- UK Health Education Authority
- World Health Organisation
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