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Areas of expertise

What do we do ?

WRC undertakes a range of research, development, consultancy and training activities on key social issues, organisational change and technological developments.  In addition to a strong interest and track record in policy support work, we also specialise in research and consultancy for industry, the public sector, employers and the voluntary sector (NGOs).

Some of the areas that are especially topical at the moment include:

  • ICTs for 'Ageing well'
  • Telecare, Home Telehealth and other aspects of eHealth
  • Accessibility of ICTs and the information society for people with disabilities ('eAccessibility')
  • Reintegration / retention of older people and disabled people in employment
  • Emerging health issues in the workforce, such as mental health, stress prevention, etc
  • Health and social care innovation for ageing and older people
  • Informal caring and carers


WRC research and development

We provide a full suite of research services, including design and conduct of quantitative and qualitative surveys, data preparation and analysis, and reporting.  Our services can be tailored to meet the full spectrum of client requirements, ranging from largescale surveys to smaller targeted studies, and from methodologically complex and longer-term studies to more pragmatic and fast turn-around assignments.  We have strong skills in research design, field work and data gathering, data analysis, reporting, and extraction of insightful conclusions and recommendations.


WRC consultancy and training services

Our research services are complemented by professional consultancy and training services, focusing on the domains where we have leading-edge expertise and extensive research and practical experience.  The range of services includes consultancy support for public policy formulation, consultancy and training for employers on workplace health and employee reintegration/retention issues, market research support for industry, and policy and research consultancy for the voluntary sector (NGOs). 


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