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Books and book Chapters


This page details some books and book chapters that have been (co) authored by WRC staff.


Anderson, R., Wynne, R. and McDaid, D. (2007).  Housing and employment.  In Knapp, M., McDaid, D., Mossialos, E. and Thornicroft, G. (eds.).  Mental Health policy and practice across Europe – European Observatory on Health systems and policies series.  McGraw Hill – Open University Press, Maidenhead, UK.

Cullen, J. Ronayne, T., Cullen, K., Ryan, G. and Wynne, R. (1987). Long-Term Unemployment: Its role in complex vulnerabilities and their health consequences. In: D. Schwefel, P.-G. Svensson, H. Zollner (eds.). Unemployment, Social Vulnerability and Health in Europe, pp. 211-238. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Cullen, K. and Moran, R. (1992).  Technology and the Elderly: The role of technology in prolonging the independence of the elderly in the community care context.  Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.

Cullen, K. et al. (1995). Connecting to the Information Superhighway: Access Issues for Elderly People and People with Disabilities. In: P. Roe (ed.). Telecommunications for All - COST 219, CEC Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.

Cullen, K., Kubitschke, L., Ollivier, H., Dolphin, C., Clarkin, N., Darnige, A and Robinson, S. (1995).  Meeting Demand for Telecommunications-based Applications of Assistive Technology.  In: I. Placencia Porrero and R. Puig de la Bellacasa (Eds).  The European Context for Assistive Technology.  Amsterdam: IOS Press. 

Cullen, K., Kordy, N., Schmidt, L. and Gaboardi, E. (2003).  Work and Family in the eWork Era.  Amsterdam: IOS Press.

Cullen, K. and Robinson, S. (with contributions from C. Dolphin, L. Kubitschke and N. Clarkin) (1997).  Telecommunications for Older People and Disabled People in Europe.  Amsterdam: IOS Press.

Haratau, T. and Wynne, R. (eds.) (2009).  Workplace Health promotion – definitions, methods and techniques.  Romtens Foundation, Bucharest. 

Korte, W. and Wynne, R. (1996).  Telework penetration, potential and practice in Europe.  Amsterdam: IOS Press.

Wynne, R. (1990).Workplace health promotion in Ireland. In: Breucker, G. (ed.). Towards better health at work - Successful European strategies. BKK. Essen.

Wynne, R. (2004). The future of workplace health promotion. In Leino, T. and Olsson, K. (eds.). Work Health Promotion. Nordic Institute for Training in Advanced Occupational Health and Safety (NIVA) , Helsinki.

Wynne, R. (1996). Workplace health promotion in Ireland. In: Baart, P., Roerink, G. and Selie, M. (eds.). Gezondheidsbevordering op de werkplek. Centrum GBW and NIA, Amsterdam.

Wynne, R. (1997). From research findings to the marketing of workplace health promotion - the findings in a European context. In: Mossink, J. and Licher, F. (1997). The costs and benefits of occupational safety and health, NIA-TNO. Amsterdam.

Wynne. R. (2009).  Research and information about Workplace Health Promotion.  In: Haratau, T. and Wynne, R. (eds.) (2009).  Workplace Health promotion – definitions, methods and techniques.  Romtens Foundation, Bucharest.  1st edition.

Wynne. R. (2013).  Research and information about Workplace Health Promotion.  In: Urdih Lazar, T. (ed.) (2013).  Workplace Health promotion – definitions, methods and techniques.  University Medical Centre, Clinical Institute of Occupational, Traffic and Sports Medicine, Ljubljana,   2nd edition.

Wynne, R. and Clarkin, N. (1992).  Under Construction: Building for Health in the EC Workplace.  Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.

Wynne, R., McAnaney, D.,Thorne, J., Hinkka, K. and Jarvisalo, J. (2005). The RETURN project - between work and welfare: Improving return to work strategies for long term absent employees. In: Mannila, S. and Jarvokiski, A. (eds.). Disability and working life. The Rehabilitation Foundation. Working Paper 32/2005, Helsinki.

Wynne, R. and Rafferty, R. (1999).  Stress prevention in Ireland - the case of Aer Rianta.  In: Kompier, M. and Cooper., C. (eds.).  Preventing stress - improving productivity - European case studies in the workplace. London, Routledge.


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