Archive of projects
Health-related projects
Work Adapted for all - Move Europe
The 9th Initiative of the ENWHP is increasing public awareness about the
importance of retaining and encouraging return to work of chronically
ill employees. This project aims to promote healthy and suitable work
for people suffering the consequences of a chronic illness - either
through enabling job retention or by supporting their return to work
(RTW). The project works towards introducing effective workplace health
practices, by creating a favourable culture and by providing guidance
and a number of tools to employers, to help make a difference for
employees with a chronic illness. More on this project ...
Mental Health Promotion at Work
This current ENWHP project is developing a typology of mental health
promotion initiatives at work as well as identifying models of good
practice in the area. It will report on these case studies in mid 2010.
Promenpol – Promoting Mental Health Policy
This DG research project is developing information resources and
building toolkits in relation to the promotion of mental health in
educational, workplace and residential homes for older people. The
project aims to act as a link between policy making and practice in the
area of mental health promotion, providing useful information to policy
makers on what works, while supporting practitioners to improve their
practice. The project has developed a database of more
than 400 mental health promotion tools, a toolkit for each of the
settings and is supporting the implementation of more than 50 field
trials of mental health promotion throughout
Integrated Workplace Health Age Management
This Belgian led Leonardo project is developing training on how to deal
with older workers in terms of integrated health management approaches. The
target group for the training is human resource managers, but it is
also useful for any workplace actor involved in managing older workers. The training is available both in face-to-face course (blended learning) and as an e-learning package.
This Leonardo project is developing a training programme in Workplace Health Promotion for Occupational Health Physicians in
Romania. The programme has been specifically designed to meet the needs
of the target group and includes modules on both workplace health
promotion and specialist subjects in occupational health. The training programme is largely designed as a face to face training course bit it also includes e-learning elements.
This Leonardo project is developing face to face and e-learning training
courses for managers who have responsibility for ensuring return to
work of people who are (longer term) absent from work due to illness or
injury. The project is based on a disability management
approach to the issue, and provides a comprehensive approach both to
establishing an effective return to work system and to what needs to be
done when an employee goes absent. The website for the project also provides assessment tools to measure individual and organisational training needs.
Move Europe
This ENWHP project, funded by DG-Sanco, has developed a campaign for promoting workplace health promotion across
Europe. It focuses on 4 areas – smoking prevention, stress prevention, physical activity and diet. It has identified company practices which can act as models of good practice across all Member States in each of these areas. These models of good practice will be presented at a conference in
Perugia in April 2009.
European Risk Observatory
The Work Research Centre acts as the Irish correspondent for the European Risk Observatory. This
is an initiative of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
which seeks to identify new and emerging threats to employee health. It does so by writing reports based on available national and EU level data on specific issues.
- The National Council for Ageing and Older People Project on The Role and Future Direction of Supportive Housing in Ireland
The overall aim of this project was to inform the strategic development of supportive housing for older people in Ireland. The project consisted of a literature review, a survey of voluntary sector and local authority housing providers, secondary analysis of quantitative data, qualitative interviews with key stakeholders and older people, data analysis and production of the final report. The report was published in 2007. You may access this project on the website .html
- Older workers
This EF funded project undertook case studies of good practice in relation to the employment and retention of older workers. The project revisited a number of case studies that were undertaken in the late 1990's and also added new case studies to develop a database of organisational level initiatives which are available on the European Foundation's website. WRC undertook the Irish case studies for this project. For more information please consult the following link: (Publication available from
- Employment guidance services for people with disabilities
This EF funded project, undertaken in two stages, examined policies and initiatives for promoting employment of people with disabilities with previous experience of working in 16 countries. It focused especially on employment guidance services. One of the major products from this project is a database of Employment Guidance Service initiatives in the area, which is available at: (Publication available from
- Work Health 2
This project builds on the work of the Work Health 1 project by producing an example of a work related public health report which focuses on two of the main causes of morbidity in Europe - mental illness and cardiovascular disease. It uses publicly available data to illustrate the impact of work on these two illnesses and to show their mutual interrelationships and their relation with the workplace. The web link is as follows: ( Publication available from )
- ENAT - European Network for Accessible Tourism
ENAT has established a network in Europe for organisations interested in the issue of promoting accessible tourism. It promotes the issue in terms of policy development through supporting policy initiatives and it also supports the development of practice through providing networking opportunities for its members. The website is accessible from
- The National Council for Ageing and Older People Project on The Social Inclusion of Older People at Local Level.
This project set out to investigate the social inclusion measures for older people being undertaken at local level, and to examine the role and contribution of the County and City Development Boards (CDB's) in the social inclusion of older people at local level. The project consisted of qualitative interviews with CDB representatives, organisations representing older people and older people themselves. Document collation and analysis was also carried out, as was qualitative data analysis, a literature review and preparation of the final report. The project is now completed and the final report was published in 2005. Please refer to the following website
- Older workers in NMS
This EF funded project undertook case studies of good practice in relation to the employment and retention of older workers in the New Member States. Dr. Richard Wynne acted as an advisor to this project. Publication available from
- Optiwork
This DG research project has built models and tools to measure factors influencing the employment decisions of employers and job-seekers in relation to people with disabilities. Specifically, it has built models of national systems, employers' decision making in relation to employment of people with disabilities and individual level decision making. In addition, it has built tools that can be used to identify the main factors operating at these levels and to assess in economic terms the costs and benefits of employing people with disabilities at national, organisational and individual levels. These tools were piloted in 12 countries. The web link is as follows: (Publication available from
- Workplace health initiatives for older workers
This DG Sanco funded project identified workplace health initiatives to promote the employment of older workers throughout the EU25. The link is as follows: (Publication available from
- Stress Impact
This ongoing project examined the issue of long-term absence from work due to stress related disorders. Funded by DG Research, it undertook three separate surveys - the first was a longitudinal survey of 400 long-term absentees drawn from the social insurance registers in 6 EU countries, the second was a qualitative survey of professionals who are dealing with the long-term absence, while the third was a qualitative survey of the families of long-term absentees. The study explored the processes whereby people become long-term absent due to stress related disorders and also examined how return-to-work processes operate. All publications from the project are available on the project website. This project may be accessed through the following link
- Diversity management in the workplace
This Leonardo project has developed a model, a training framework and a portal website in the area of diversity management in the workplace. It is taking a holistic view of the issue rather than proposing a set of separate programmes targeted at various groups of interest. In addition, it seeks to use diversity in the workforce as a positive force for organisational and business development. The website is as follows:
- Social exclusion through chronic illness
This EF funded project examined the processes whereby people become socially excluded for reasons of chronic illness. It reports on the situation in seven countries in terms of how legislative and social insurance systems deal with the issue, it examines recent initiatives in the area in these countries and it proposes an instrument for the analysis of policy in the area. Publication available from (also
- Implementing infrastructures for promoting workplace health
This DG-Sanco project which was run by the ENWHP, developed 3 separate tools and instruments that can be used to promote workplace health. These were:
· The ENWHP Toolbox for Workplace Health Promotion· The business case for Workplace Health Promotion
· National Forums on Workplace Health Promotion
The findings from this project were presented at a European Conference held in
- Work Health 1
This DG Sanco funded project has developed a set of workplace based statistical indicators for inclusion in public health statistics. The project aimed to ensure that public health statistics to be collected at EU level will adequately reflect the role of the workplace in influencing health in both a positive and negative manner. The report from the project lists and explains the chosen indicators and relates them to the larger list of Public Health Indicators collected elsewhere by DG-Sanco.The website is accessible from
- SDV-Netjob
This project undertook three main activities - the transnational transfer of an innovative model for the employment of people with disabilities, the development of a website portal on social dialogue and a survey of the demands and supply of IT skills. Funded by the ESF Article 6 programme, the project has achieved a high degree of success attracting thousands of website users and promoting the employment of people with disabilities in the IT industry. The website is accessible from
- Models of best practice in workplace health promotion in Public Administrations
This project undertook four case studies of best practice of WHP in Public Administrations. Funded by DG-Sanco, it is part of the work of the European Network for WHP. The case studies served as input to a European conference in the area which was held in
- RETURN - between work and welfare - Strategies for return to work for the long-term disabled
This project examined workplace and welfare based responses to long-term health related absenteeism. In 6 EU countries. The project characterises workplace and welfare based rehabilitation systems, undertakes a survey of expert opinion in the area and will draft and test a company audit tool for disability management, a set of user guides to national systems and a set of ppolicy guidelines for policy makers in the area at EU and national levels. The project was funded by socio-economic research programme in Framework 5. This project is available at
- Stress prevention in teaching national pilot
This project tested the stress prevention methodology in approximately 100 Irish second level schools. Funded by the Irish Ministry of Education and Science, it is intended that the methodology will be made available to all 2nd level schools. Results from the pilot indicated that the methodology was acceptable, usable and that it succeeded in initiating effective stress prevention strategies in many schools. Publication available from WRC (hard copy only).
- Models of best practice in workplace health promotion in SMEs
This project undertook four case studies of best practice of WHP in SMEs. Funded by DG-V, it is part of the work of the European Network for WHP. The case studies will serve as input to a European conference in the area that was held in
- Policy paper on workplace health promotion in SMEs
This project, undertaken for the European Network for WHP has developed a policy paper on WHP on SMEs. It was presented and launched as part of the 2001 ENWHP Lisbon conference. Publication available here.
- The contribution of OHS services to employability
This study undertook a set of 26 case studies in 13 countries of how OHS service can contribute to the employability of workers. Funded by the EU-OSH agency in Bilbao. Publication available in hard copy only.
- Models of best practice in workplace health promotion
This project, funded by DG-V, undertook four case studies of workplace health promotion in
- New approaches to workplace health
This project, funded by the European Foundation, undertook a
This DG-V funded project undertook a national level investigation of data and statistic which might be used to demonstrate the costs and benefits of occupational health and safety practice. It was undertaken in all 15 Member States. The project also proposed a methodology for calculating the costs and benefits of OHS at company level. Publication available from WRC (hard copy only).
- Stress prevention in teaching methodology
This project, developed by WRC in partnership with two other organisations, developed and tested a standalone methodology for the prevention of stress in 2nd level schools. It provides a set of process instructions and a set of tools for implementing a stress prevention project. Publication available from WRC (hard copy only).
- Marketing WHP
This EF funded project involved developing a position paper on the issue of how to more effectively market workplace health promotion. It was subsequently presented at the 1997 Den Haag conference on the costs and benefits of OHS. Publication available from WRC (hard copy only).
- Methodology for workplace health promotion
This project, funded by DG-V, developed a methodology for undertaking WHP in companies. Based on the training specification for WHP, the methodology provides a detailed ‘how to’ set of process instructions, supported by almost 30 tools which enable companies or external professionals to undertake a comprehensive WHP process. The methodology is currently being used in a number of countries. Publication available from WRC (hard copy only)
- Violence at work
This project, funded by DG-V, undertook a survey of national programmes to prevent violence at work. It also proposed a set of policy guidelines on how national authorities and the social partners should act to prevent violence in the workplace. Publication available from WRC (hard copy only).
- Stress in nursing
This project undertook a national survey of stress in nursing for the largest nursing union in
- Stress in teaching survey
During the course of 1992 the WRC undertook the largest investigation to date of working conditions, stress and health amongst Irish school teachers. This involved developing, administering, analysing and reporting on a survey of 2800 teachers in a nationally representative sample. Publication available from WRC (hard copy only)
Technology-related projects
Technology trlal evaluation and technology assessment
CommonWell (
is a project funded under the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework
Programme of the European Commission. The project aims to integrate and
evaluate ICT-enabled health and social care services in order to improve
the quality of life of older people and their families. WRC are leading
the evaluation of the pilot trials in the four countries (Germany,
Netherlands, Spain and UK).
Independent is a project funded under the Competitiveness and
Innovation Framework Programme of the European Commission. The project
aims to integrate and evaluate ICT-enabled health and social care
services, and additionally gives a strong focus on integrating the
informal sector (third sector NGOs and informal carers) in the overall
care network. WRC are leading the evaluation of the pilot trials in the
five countries (Greece, Ireland, Netherlands, Spain and UK).
Telecare trials
WRC are currently or have recently provided consultancy support for the
evaluation of a number of Irish telecare trials, including telecare for
people with dementia and telecare to support independent living and
informal carers.
Website assessment
WRC undertakes a range of assessments of websites on a commercial basis. The largest of these is done for the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions.
Technological innovation - policy support & market analysis
ICT and Ageing: European study on Users, Markets and technologies
This study for the European Commission involved
benchmarking and analysis of market developments in 16 countries across
the EU as well as the US and Japan.
MeAC study: Monitoring progress of eAccessibility in Europe
This study for the European Commission involved a
major benchmarking and analysis of eAccessibility policy and status in
27 countries
Disability, ageing and caring
ICT accessibility for people with disabilities: the economic and business case
This study for NCBI provided the first detailed analysis of the business case for eAccessibility in Ireland.
Employer supports for working carers
This study for the European Foundation for the Improvement of
Living and Working Conditions focuses on employer-level supports for
workers who are trying to reconcile working with informal care for older
people, adults or children who need care because of old age, disability
or long-term illness.
- MeAC Study: Assessment of the status of eAccessibility in Europe.
- Accessibility to ICT products and services by disabled and elderly people: towards a framework for further development of EU legislation or other co-ordination measures on eAccessibility. com_2008/index_en.htm#accessibility to ICT products study
- ICT accessibility and social inclusion of people with disabilities and older people in Ireland: the economic and business dimensions.
- ICT & Ageing: European Study on Users, Markets and Technologies.
- Social impacts of ICT in the health domain.
- Survey of Older People and ICTs in Ireland (2008).
Report to ASC programme. Available at:
Evaluation of EF website
This project, the evaluation of the EF website, involved running expert usability tests on the main EF web site, undertaking an online survey of users and developing a set of recommendations for further development of the site. The project was undertaken in partnership with a Greek web development company. WRC was the project leader.
SIBIS – Statistical indicators for the Information Society
This project was built on the work of ECATT by again undertaking a major survey of employers and employees of telework and e-commerce intentions and practice. In addition, it also evaluated e-Europe action lines and developed a set of statistical indicators of the Information Society which may be used by national and European statistical agencies. WRC was a research partner in this project.
This project involved building a set of software tools for building collaborative work applications. Our work in the project involved modeling telecollaborative work activities and feeding them in to the design of the applications building system.
This SPRITE project updated a previous methodology for the procurement of telephone systems by large public sector agencies. WRC were involved in updating the methodology to take account of new ways of working (essentially involving matching new work methods to the increased functionality of modern telephony systems). The work also involved making recommendations to telecommunications standards bodies.
ECATT – Electronic commerce and telework trends (ECaTT)
This Framework 4 project was a direct descendant of TELDET, as it undertook an even wider scale (10 Member states) survey of more than 10000 employers and employees on the issues of telework intentions and practice. In addition, it surveyed intentions and practice with regard to e-Commerce. More than 50 case studies of e-commerce and telework were also undertaken, and the situation in Europe with regard to these issues was compared to that of
This TEN (Trans-European Networks) project developed and rolled out an Internet based system for supporting telecollaborative work. Our role in the project involved undertaking surveys of user requirements, contributions to modeling work and evaluation of the system developed in the project.
- Scenarios of ISDN usage in schools
The WRC have worked for one of the principal telecommunications research agencies on a number of commercial contracts, the latest of which was concerned with a project on implementing ISDN in primary levels schools. In this contract, the WRC developed 15 different ISDN usage scenarios, whereby primary schools could make innovative use of the capabilities of ISDN for both administrative and educational purposes. These usage scenarios are currently being assessed in a number of pilot schools.
- HSPro-EU – Health and safety promotion in the European Union
The WRC was a major partner in the HSPro-EU (Health and Safety Promotion in the EU) project which started in January 1996. This project, with partners in
- TELDET – Telework development and trends in
ORDIT – Organisational requirements development for IT
This software development methodology project (funded under ESPRIT) developed a method for capturing organisational (non-functional) requirements for IT systems. Loosely based on Soft Systems and Socio-technical Systems methodologies, the project developed models and syntax for translating so called soft requirements into a specification language which system developers could use.
This project developed an interactive videodisk dealing with design and implementation issues in IT. Our role in the project was to develop materials in relation to training and human factors in the IT design and implementation process
Human Resources Community Initiative - ASTRID
A Social and Technological Response to meeting the needs of Individuals with Dementia and their carers - ASTROLAVUS
Development of an EU Certification System for Information Technology Qualifications - DiManT
Diversity Management Tools for the Workplace
- Employability
Occupational Health Services and Employability - FAMILIES
A study of the interactions between family trends and new work methods in the Information Society - IndiCaM@ICT
Individual Career Management Tool in the Work Place, for Increased Mobility, Adaptability to Change, and Equal Opportunities in the ICT Sector - PEPPER
Process re-Engineering and Procurement Planning extending EOTIP coverage as mandated by new work Requirements - Preventing stress in teaching
A manual for preventing teaching stress in second level schools - RETURN
Between Work and Welfare Improving Return to Work Strategies for long-term absent employees - SME
European Network for Workplace Health Promotion / SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) - SPEKs
Creating Value through Change: Anthropocentric approach bringing together Social Partners, Enterprises and Knowledge Providers - TEN-CARE
Telecommunications-based Home-Care Services for European Citizens
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